How a Consultation Service Provider Helps You Transition to CFSS
Community First Services and Supports (CFSS) is replacing the current Personal Care Assistance (PCA) and Consumer Support Grant (CSG) programs. If you’re on PCA or CSG, you’ll need to transition over to CFSS. Don’t worry–you won’t do this transition alone. A consultation service provider will work with you every step of the way.
What are consultation service providers?
Consultation services providers walk you through the transition by helping you write your service delivery plan. They know about different resources and can guide you to the right services for your needs. Under CFSS, your consultation providers will help you create a service plan that fits your budget and meets your needs.
Your consultation provider cannot be your CFSS provider agency or financial management service (FMS). This means you’ll have to work with two different providers. One will be your consultation provider, and one will be your CFSS agency provider or FMS.
What’s the difference between a service delivery plan and a plan of care?

Your plan of care is now called a service delivery plan. It is a person-centered document that identifies the PCA/CFSS services you will receive. It also bases those services on your assessed needs and how those services will be delivered.
- The agency or FMS you choose will help you finalize any specific details in your service delivery plan.
- Your consultation provider helps you create your service delivery plan.
While you’re required to choose a consultation services provider, you decide how much help you need from them.
How to Choose a Consultation Services Provider
First of all, it’s important to make sure the consultation provider you choose has a contract with the State to provide consultation services. This means they must be enrolled with MHCP.
The DHS has a list of all consultation services providers in Minnesota. Make sure to only choose providers that are marked yes in the Enrolled column.
How do I know what’s right for me?
Often choosing the right consultation provider depends on your preferences. Harry Meyering Center is here to help you choose the best consultation service provider–whether that’s us or someone else. Our goal is simply to support you during this process.
What to Expect When Working With Harry Meyering Center
Get Your Plan Approved With No Delays
We’ll get your plan approved the first time so there are no delays. Our team’s extensive background in financial management services means that we know how to help you handle your budget, hours, and staffing.
Grow Alongside People Who Get You
We’re staffed by people that use the services. We understand in a way that other people don’t, because we’ve walked through the process ourselves.
Work With People Who Value People
As a non-profit, we’re not here to sell anything–we’re here to support you. We want to get to know you, from your favorite service model to your pet’s name.
Connect With Call or Text
Choose the communication option you’re most comfortable with. Get services started or ask your facilitator questions by texting or calling.
Contact Harry Meyering Center If You Have Any Questions About Choosing a Consultation Service Provider
We’re here to support you–regardless of who you choose as your consultation provider. Our goal is simply to help you as much as we can, because we’ve also had people who stepped up to help us.
Helpful Resources for Choosing Your Consultation Service Provider
- How to Write Your CFSS Service Delivery Plan – Harry Meyering Center Website
- How a Consultation Service Provider Helps You Transition to CFSS – Harry Meyering Center PDF
- A Guide to Community First Services and Supports (CFSS) – Harry Meyering Center Website
- CFSS consultation services provider requirements – DHS Website
- List of CFSS consultation services providers – DHS Website
- Community First Services and Supports Information (PDF, English) – DHS Website
- Muab Kev Pab Cuam thiab Kev Txhawb Nqa Thawj Zaug Hauv Zos (PDF, Hmoob) – DHS Website
- ပှ ၤတ၀ၢ ဂံ ၢ်ခီၣ်ထံ းတၢ်မၤစၢၤတၢ်မၤ ဒီး တၢ်ဆီၣ် ထွမၤစၢၤတဖၣ ဲ ် (PDF, Sgaw Karen) – DHS Website
- Adeegyada iyo Taageerada Bulshada Koobaad (PDF, Soomaaliga) – DHS Website
- Servicios y Apoyos Comunitarios Primero (PDF, Español) – DHS Website