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Harry Meyering is a not-for-profit agency. Your generous donations provide opportunities to enhance the quality of life for the individuals we serve. Donations support vacations, large equipment purchases such as therapeutic tubs, repair of parking lots and sidewalks and much more. Without your generous donations none of this would be possible.

There are a number of ways to give to Harry Meyering. These include:

Cash Gifts

Cash contributions to Harry Meyering (a 501(c) 3 non-profit corporation) are fully deductible to the extent allowed by federal law.

GiveMN launched in 2009 as a collaborative venture led by Minnesota Community Foundation and many other organizations committed to helping make our state a better place. envisions an unparalleled state of giving — a Minnesota where innovative technology and creative ideas help each person’s generosity soar to its full potential. Donate to Harry Meyering through
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For more information contact

Jen Drganc, Executive Director