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Building meaningful experiences and fulfilled lives.

Harry Meyering has three Intermediate Care Facilities where adults with developmental disabilities live in home settings, specifically designed to ensure safety and create an atmosphere to promote learning and interaction. Each person has a private bedroom, with shared living room, dining room, bathroom and patio space. Services are designed to meet the individual’s unique needs and desires. Individualized and team-directed supports may include money management, medication administration, activities of daily living and equipment care. There is 24-hour staffing provided in a manner which effectively supports people living in this program. Staff are trained to proactively work with issues of behavioral intervention and education, physical disabilities, health promotion and maintenance, speech and language development, deafness, blindness, aging and retirement and community integration.

For more information on our Intermediate Care Facilities contact

Hannah Barnlund Program Director
507-387-8281 ext. 223