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Building meaningful experiences and fulfilled lives.

InHome Supports was created in 1975 and is one of the oldest programs in the state of Minnesota. InHome Supports provide the informal counseling, training and support needed for adults to live alone, with a roommate or spouse in their own apartment or home, or in a family setting as they prepare for greater independence. Services are designed with each individual to ensure continued success and independence.

Harry Meyering focuses on a variety of activities with the adults they serve including meal management, shopping, financial management, personal appearance, apartment maintenance, accessing resources, rights and responsibilities of community living, social and leisure skills and general medical assistance.

The amount of staff assistance varies based on the needs of the individual who is being served. A unique feature of Harry Meyering’s InHome Supports is the availability of on-call services for individuals on the DD waiver.

For more information on InHome Supports, contact

Jill Kinas Program Director
507-387-8281 ext. 273